No, not THAT kind of pin-up girl! HistoryPin! It’s a great way to share archival photographs online while connecting people, buildings, and events to a time and place in history. The Archives of the City of Kingsport now has its own HistoryPin Channel!Brianne, my fellow pin-up girl, and I have been digging through the archives’ collections to find photographs that represent pivotal developments in Kingsport’s history as well as those aspects of Kingsport that had influence beyond our city’s limits. Some of the topics we’ve covered so far are Bays Mountain (Tennessee’s largest city park), the Santa Train (giving toys and candy to the children of Appalachia since 1943), and Kingsport Press (major employer and book printer and bindery for over fifty years).

Early city leaders inspecting the new dam on Bays Mtn, ca. 1917. (R. L. Reams Collection, c. 1917, KCMC 32)

Parade spectators waiting for the arrival of Santa Claus, 1948. (Thomas McNeer, Jr. Collection, 1945-1988, KCMC 106)
Upcoming topics to be pinned are historic buildings, like the train station and Kingsport’s first public school, and structures in the Boat Yard district. If you know of an event or location you would like us to pin that fits our mission of highlighting Kingsport’s development and its contribution to history, please email us at Lastly, when you visit our channel at, you can share your favorite images with your friends via Facebook, Twitter, Google+, and more! Share the Archiventure!
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