Kingsport: Scavenger Hunt

It’s FunFest time in Kingsport. The Archives of the City of Kingsport has once again put together a wonderful activity to engage the public with the historic and picturesque setting of downtown Kingsport.The Rediscover Kingsport Scavenger Hunt is an ongoing event, free to anyone or any group who wants to challenge themselves. Download a map and entry form or pick one up at the Public Library or FunFest office. aHunt-brochure-2014 hunt-brochure-2014

One side of the brochure shows the search parameters and gives participants a place to put their answers.


The other side of the brochure shows a picture of the architectural details participants are searching for and lists the prizes.


Entries are due back to the library or FunFest office at the Chamber of Commerce building by 5:30 pm, Saturday, July 19.

Good luck!

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