The Light at the end of the tunnel, that is. And, I can more than just see it. I am standing in it. I am basking in it. The Spoden Collection is finished! Since completing the processing on October 20 (was it that long ago?), I have entered the titles and dates of 88 boxes worth of folders into the finding aid. I have entered the arrangement information and written and entered a description of each series (11) and subseries. This week I wrote a scope and content note and biography on Muriel Spoden. Brianne researched a long list of LOC subject names for the collection and we are ready to publish the finding aid (all 37 pages of it) and open the collection for patron research. Monday, I am going to work on a display to go in the cases on the main floor of the library. “Wake up, people! There’s a whole world of history under your feet…in the basement….and it is your history. Kingsport’s history!”
Here is what the finished collection looks like. Labels to replace the sticky notes are being printed as we speak!
This week I became reacquainted with a portion of the collection that I think has become my new favorite. In Series XI-C Research, Kingsport/Sullivan County History, there is a folder dedicated to Annie Lee Mitchell, the first principle of Kingsport Public School. She began her teaching career in Clouds Bend (Ridgefields area) in 1889.
You just can’t go wrong with a classic classroom portrait.
But this next picture is really something special. Love the birdhouses!
In Series IV, Journals, Ledgers and Receipts, we have much more on Miss Mitchell.
There is so much to gain from accessing the Spoden Collection. If you are a genealogist, come see if your names are covered in Series III. If you want to know more about when Kingsport was called Christianville, peruse Series VI, Netherland Inn Records. If you are a map fanatic, you can get lost in Series V. There is something for everybody. I could go on and on.
The real question is, what will my next archiventure be?
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