Category Archives: Genealogy
Genealogy: Illustrated Diaries
Wouldn’t it be great if the diary of an ancestor you were reading was illustrated? If the diary had photographs, maps, documents, and drawings inside, you could almost imagine you were in another country or era right alongside him! Thanks to the … Continue reading
Genealogy: Obituaries
My grandmother did genealogy the old fashioned way: she wrote letters. Before the internet existed, she wrote to state archives and court houses. She corresponded with relatives and exchanged information. She was also a saver, and when she died in … Continue reading
Posted in Genealogy
Tagged digitized newspaper, genealogy, indexing, Mansfield, obituaries, research, Williams
Genealogy: A Little Help
I love doing genealogy. I love my ancestors. But, from time to time, we can all use a little help. Today, I thought I’d share with you a few ways that help me find the inspiration to keep going when I’m feeling a … Continue reading
Genealogy: Putting it all together
I wrote about my maternal great-grandmother back here, but I’ve been thinking it was time to put something down on paper about my great-grandfather. I’ve been collecting links and scanning documents and photographs for a year or two to prepare … Continue reading
Posted in Genealogy
Tagged biography, genealogy, immigration, Mansfield, missionary, Williams
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Genealogy: On Display
There is a set of tea towels in my possession. They were made for my mother by her grandmother, Elizabeth Ann Williams Mansfield (1867-1949). I wrote a little about my great-grandmother here.
Genealogy: Using the Local History Room
I was asked in a recent conversation I had with a new friend, “How do you find stories about your ancestors when you haven’t inherited any stories?” I’m afraid the answer is “You have to write them.” The best place to … Continue reading
Genealogy: Reading between the bars
I have had access to the 1910 US Census record for my great grandfather for a long time. Five of John J. and Matilda Peterson Gillis’ then seven children were living at home. That was very helpful information to me. … Continue reading
Genealogy: Census Strategies
I have been trying to nail down the exact birthdates and given names of a family on my father’s paternal side, that of John Gillis and Margaret MacFarlane. I have a well-researched genealogy prepared by my late cousin Robert J. … Continue reading
Genealogy: Find A Grave
Have you ever entered a surname into a search engine bar and noticed that one or more of your hits was for Have you ever gone to the site and used’s own search tools? Doing so can bring forth surprising results … Continue reading