While I am attending the Society of Tennessee Archivists Conference in Clarksville, TN, I thought I would blog about the class I taught on FamilySearch for the teenaged girls at church. I’m no expert, but I am really glad they asked me because, from this experience, I learned that if you know something about genealogy, then you have something you can teach to someone else. When you know more, you can share more. But, until you do, share what you know!
I connected a projector to my laptop, logged onto my FamilySearch account, then went through about a 30-minute demonstration for the girls.
First, we reviewed the homepage and clicked through the menu.
After touring the menu we went to the Photos tab and added a photograph.
We added the picture on the left of my maternal grandmother Emelia Marie Carrier.
Then we tagged it and connected it to my family tree.
Next, we clicked on my tree so that I could go through the steps of adding a person.
We added Archy Gillis (b.1785). I opened a second window from my database to access his vital information.
Then I checked for possible duplicates and showed the girls how to merge them. I explained that sometimes a duplicate is created by mistake as you build your tree. Sometimes, I think the duplicates were created as FamilySearch built new versions of the site. Sometimes a duplicate is created when more than one person is working on a line. However, one of the cool things about the new FS site is that mistakes can be corrected.
I demonstrated a search and a few other things. Then, the girls used their own usernames and passwords and got to work!
I circled the room and helped them, but you know the youth of today. They were off and running. This pair found a set of photographs that a relative had posted.
Aren’t kids just adorable when they are doing their genealogy? Thanks to the young women of the Rotherwood area of Kingsport for the invitation.
Feature image: My maternal grandmother, great grandmother, and great aunt.
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